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Impact Fund and Allies File Class Action Amicus Brief in Ninth Circuit On Behalf of Seniors and People With Disabilities
The amicus brief authored by the Impact Fund, Disability Rights Advocates, and the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund argues that the district court’s decision ran afoul of existing case law and will undermine enforcement of ADA access laws in the precise cases where systemwide enforcement is most needed.

District Court Finds Amenities Fees To Be Illegal Excess Rent for Section 8 Tenants
The Eastern District of California recently decided in Terry v. Wasatch Advantage Group, No. 2:15-cv-00799 (E.D. Cal., November 23, 2022), that certain amenities fees are illegal excess rent and violate contract terms for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program. The Court ordered the defendants, who are private property owners and managers, to repay the fees to their tenants.