Read our analyses of developments in Impact Litigation and stay current on class action law

How One Clause in Uber’s Terms of Use Could Overload U.S. Courts
If you’ve ever ridden in an Uber, you’ve ‘agreed’ to their non-negotiable terms of use. One of those terms, called the Non-Consolidation Clause, waives your right to participate in “consolidated proceedings,” group proceedings like class action lawsuits and multi-district litigation. Basically, Uber is requiring all customers to bring cases individually, regardless of what the case is about or what kind of proceeding it is. If successful, this new corporate mechanism has the potential to overload our already taxed courts.

The Underground Guide To Class Action Slang (part One)
Over the past half-century, class actions have changed the world for the better: desegregating schools and workplaces, ensuring clean air and water, and exposing unsafe products and corporate fraud. But, have you considered their impact on the English language? Class actions have spawned some inventive slang, which can be bewildering to practitioners new to the field, much less to ordinary folks. We’re here to help with this, the Impact Fund Class Action Dictionary.