Wednesday, May 23 – Friday, May 25

The Impact Fund, in partnership with UC Hastings College of the Law, presented its annual three-day intensive Class Action Training Institute in May 2012. The Institute focuses on litigation, strategy, and practical skills that can be used in a variety of social justice class actions. This year’s 20 participants represented a diverse cross-section of practice areas – from immigrant rights work in Jackson, Mississippi, to tenant representation in Washington, D.C., to worker rights in San Francisco, California. The program was taught by four highly-experienced public interest litigators, Jocelyn Larkin, Brad Seligman, Della Barnett, and Dara Schur. With a newly developed hypothetical wage and hour class action case file, students engaged in practical workshops on case development, media, motion practice, discovery, and mediation. The Institute also featured inspiring guest speakers and faculty, including Katherine Corbett, a disability rights advocate and former named plaintiff, JAMS mediator Michael Loeb, as well as keynote speaker Magistrate Judge Donna Ryu of the Northern District of California.

2012 TI Class
2012 TI Class